Monday, March 17, 2014

Ravioli Isn't Just For Children

Ravioli doesn't hold the same appeal as it did when I was a kid. Back then, Chef Boyardee commercials frequently set off a craving for the sweet, canned, easy-to-prepare pasta. Any change I got, I ate the ravioli as a small, afterschool snack. I preferred it over candy, cookies or any other treats.

As I matured and developed a more sophisticated palate, Chef Boyardee fell out of favor along with ravioli in general. I still enjoy pasta, one of my favorite foods, regularly. It's just hasn't been ravioli -- until recently.

Trader Joe's  offers a grown-folks version of ravioli that I just couldn't resist trying: Lobster Ravioli. The dual-color pasta beckoned me with promises of delicious lobster inside them. I bit the bat, of course, plunked down a couple of dollars and cooked the self-contained meal.

I cooked my sauce: can of low-sodium tomato sauce with garlic powder, pepper, Mrs. Dash, basil. Poured two tablespoons on the cooked pasta and sprinkled cheese atop. That was Sunday dinner.

Benefits: Great balance of pasta and lobster meat; pasta cooks quickly and has a smooth consistency.
Cons: The package contains about two servings at most. Yet, it is satisfying.
Purchase Again: Yes.
Uncooked Lobster Ravioli
Lobster Ravioli

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