I was hankering for tacos one evening. I checked the frig for meat. Ground turkey, great. Toppings -- lettuce, tomatoes, cheese, perfect. Soft corn shells and taco sauce. Mmmm mmmm. I was on a roll. Then I looked in my cabinet for taco seasoning. Aargh, none! My plans were dashed at least until I would be able to buy a packet of taco seasoning from the store.
I thought nothing of just buying a packet of taco seasoning I got home the next day, forgetting to stop at a store. Aargh! Another night delaying my craving for tacos. Tired from a long day at work, I settled for salad or something quick for dinner, and I wasn't happy. The hankering was stronger.
Then I realized I had a cabinet full of seasonings. Why couldn't I make my own taco seasoning?
I could. I did. And so can you.
Cook meat like you normally do. Add any combination of seasonings you prefer. When done, add a cup of water or so. Let it simmer until done. Then enjoy!
I used garlic power, dash of sea salt, pepper, steak rub, cumin and onion powder. Because I'm always trying different flavors, I threw in some cinnamon, giving it a different twist. Meat was a little sweet. Tacos were delicious. Skip the cinnamon if you don't want a softer-flavored taco.
I will never buy taco seasoning again. :-).
Preparing ground turkey for tacos |
Finished ground turkey for tacos |