Photo by Moritz320 |
Returning to this blog should be like getting back on a bike after you've been absent for a couple of years. It's easier to ride the bike than it is to blog again.
But here I am -- again!
Today's topic: Salt -- what type should you use when cooking?
Stores offer an array of salts -- sea salt, table salt, canned salt, Himalayan, etc. I generally use some sort of sea salt for roasting veggies, cooking beef, poultry and fish and preparing soups and stews.
I use table salt for baking, which is an exact form of cooking
that leaves little room for error. Baking is unforgiving to mistakes. Too much salt in a recipe, and it's a wrap. There is no coming back.
Turns out,
I've been using salt correctly. All salts are 95% sodium chloride while other minerals make up the remaining 5%. So there is little difference among the types of salt available. The salt you choose will depend upon what you're cooking.
My advice: Don't sweat over this decision too much. Try a variety of salts and stick with what works best for you and your tastebuds.